Big Lottery Fund: African Caribbean Fatherhood Programm
The project will deliver a series of community based workshops in 3 districts of Greater Manchester and Lancashire with populations of African Caribbean Men. With the focus of media news on the problems affecting children young people and families….
Sowing Seeds & the National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
will be working in partnership to support more parents thanks to a Parenting Fund grant, beginning in July 2006. Over the coming years,
Including Men Networks, in Manchester & Trafford, partnership with Children North East, Fathers Plus
The Including Men Network Manchester is a joint partnership between Children North East Fathers Plus and Sowing Seeds to develop the important work of engaging and working with men/fathe…
Partners in Parenting Project; Sowing Seeds and Family Action North West.
In developing this programme of change, Sowing Seeds and Family action North West will work with partner agencies in the city to:
Workshop examples:
“Black Men Who are we?”